Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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The Problem With Diet Culture

Free CE: What every therapist, health professional, educator, and parent needs to know.

Therapists should not only be aware of their potential prejudices toward higher-weight clients, but should commit themselves to challenge those attitudes as well.


Shaping the Conversations of Love: 2 Simple Techniques for Working with Distressed Couples

In this free, short video, Dr. Sue Johnson will show you two simple EFT techniques to help partners have conversations that redefine a distressed relationship and ensure you're shaping a more secure bond.


Self-Regulation and Mindfulness

Simple techniques for teaching all ages

Varleisha (Gibbs) Lyons, Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L

Looking for an easy way to teach young clients about self-regulation and mindfulness? Try this simple, short story from my new book, “Self-Regulation and Mindfulness: Over 82 Exercises & Worksheets for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, & Autism Spectrum Disorder.”


The Energetic Exhale

The incredibly simple and powerful mindfulness practice that only takes a second...

We all experience times of anxiety, stress, frustration, anger and impatience. But getting stuck in these states can take a tremendous toll on our bodies, impair our thinking, and make it difficult to speak or act effectively.That's why I teach my clients this powerfully effective mindfulness practice that can calm our nervous system in seconds...


Letting Go of Anger

A simple skill to successfully manage teen anger

Float on a Cloud is a popular and highly effective tool to manage not only a teen's anger, but also those underlying, super-strong feelings felt immediately before anger such as: frustration, fear, hurt, failure, humiliation, shame, sadness, rejection, distrust, jealousy, inadequacy, and insecurity. Just follow these 4 simple steps...


Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma

A FREE, 5-city tour explores how ACEs impact development

PESI, Inc.

Don't miss this FREE, five-city, childhood trauma awareness bus tour, ending on Capitol Hill in Washington DC...


CBT Tools for Resolving Anxiety in Children & Adolescents

Two FREE worksheets you can use today

Worksheets can be engaging, interactive and useful tools for clinicians — especially when working with kids. Read more to get two FREE CBT tools for exploring anxiety with the kids in your practice.


Sensory Processing and Challenging Behaviors: Below the Iceberg

When we practice personalized attunement, we are better able to manage the inevitable dynamic shifts in a child’s receptivity, mood states, and availability for learning. Let me show you how this strengthens relationships...


My Journey as a Doctor Treating Pain

What science has taught me about pill-free approaches to pain management

What causes chronic pain when the area that hurts hasn't been physically impacted? We suspect that childhood trauma, adult trauma, prolonged exposure to opioids, and prolonged exposure to pain are just some of the triggers. We know that pills or surgery can't fix this — but behavioral therapy can...


Treating Chronic Pain

Pill-Free Approaches to Move People From Hurt To Hope

There's a myth that opioid pain medications are the strongest painkillers we have. It's not true.

Let me show you the science, and what you should do to treat chronic pain.


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